
Achievements & Awards

Achievements & Awards

From winning over 25 competitions in architecture, design, graphics it can definitely be seen my motivation and passion. The question is How I am always succeeding in taking the first place?  Would you want to hear what competitions I have won, what awards I have received, or are you just curious to hear what criteria I follow and why I do it?

Is it good to be competitive? Some say yes, others say no. Why? Well, that’s because being competitive can bring benefits but also can have some drawbacks. Competitive people are really ambitious, passionate, and confident. They are goal-oriented and they never give up. However the disadvantages will be that they live in constant stress, they are too perfectionists and this affects them time-management and sometimes the relations with other people. But what if there is a healthy way?


Don’t compete against others

It is good to be competitive and if you are not it is good to teach yourself how to be competitive in order to help you grow, develop and reach your goals. To make this a healthy habit you should not compete against others because it is not bringing success or happiness. Winning in this way doesn’t lead to self-improvement and in time it can appear a tendency to compare yourself with others.


The biggest competition is myself. I’m am always trying to exceed my potential, the goal beeing to improve myself continuosly.

People that compete with themselves are more successful than people that compete with others. They understand that winning is not about winning, about the competition, or about others. It is about giving everything you have to reach the goal.

Example: In my high school I was not winning any competitions because the architecture teacher did not offer me the chance to participate but instead she told me that I am not good enough and that there are other older students that are better. At that time something changed and I promised myself that I will work as hard as I can. I promised myself that I will give my best in everything I do. My goal was to learn as much as possible in order to become that ” older student” This became a healthy habit. When I understood that the competition is not important but is more important to develop myself and to learn as much as possible from everything I do – I start winning.

Appreciate the work of others

Appreciating the work that someone has done is a key point. Working in close relations with other people, focusing on learning from one another, helps at sharing knowledge and growing.

Learn along the journey

People like to speak about accomplishments but they are not as important as the training and knowledge accumulated as the goal is accomplished. Always try to focus on the process and learn as many new things as possible.

Focus on growing your skills

Focus on new skills you can build but do not forget to continue to improve areas that you are best at. Learn to see the value in each competition and see it more as WHAT NEW SKILLS CAN I GET

Be happy if you fail

Failing is good. Take full responsibility for your action. Failure and criticism are the best opportunity to grow, to become better to learn from your mistakes, and to promise yourself that the next time will be better. Accept the fact that there will always be someone better. Push yourself and learn from mistakes in order to become better.



3 Tips for winning architecture competitions:


    1. Set your goal. Why this competition?

It is important to set the goals for why you want to take part in the competition. Don’t participate in competitions for the prize! Participate for what you can learn and for the development you can get by participating. Knowing your goals will keep you motivated and on a learning track.


    2. Choose the right architecture competition

It is important to know your values and strengths in order to choose the right type of competition. In the beginning, I was participating in everything I had the chance. In time I have learned to prioritise my choices. Now  I carefully select the competitions based on my goals. Competitions will require a great deal of commitment, energy, and time, therefore, is crucial of selecting the most important ones, in relation to you.
If you are not qualified enough should not be one of the requirements not to enter. I have always chosen the biggest competitions for the reason of growing and getting experience as quickly as possible. Most of the time I was not qualified but I still gave my best shot. Most of the time it was a success because with my non-qualification I actually have been considered innovative.


     3. Exceed the requirements

After reading the competition brief carefully, use the guidelines as a starting point to get your creativity flowing but do not constrain yourself. Dream big but with logic and reason. Research as much as possible. Spend the time studying all scenarios within the project. Create as it would be for you.

Remember! Do not compete for winning but compete with yourself for growing!


Brief list of achievements/ awards that helped grow my skills and knowledge!

  • Certificate of appreciation

    2017 – Akdeniz university- Antalya Turkey
    Coaching and coordinating teams of people on renovation and a sustainable new buildings

  • Award in extension-church proposal Renovation and Conversion

    Nov 2014 – VIA-DK
    Passive architecture and urban design
    Location: Getsemane Church-Horsens DK
    Size extension: 485m2; Plot: 1300m2
    A new space for comunity is created where the church is kept, upgraded and given another utility.
    Materials are viewed as nutrients circulating in healthy, safe metabolisms. This is where the inspiration came from.
    5th semester VIA university College, Horsens, Dk

  • Award Passive housing proposal ”Multi-storey housing Architectural design competition”

    Apr 2014 – VIA-DK
    Location: Sonderbrogade 44+48 Horsens-DK
    Size extension: 2281m2
    The main concept is to create maximum amount of flats in each floor while maintaining a price as low as possible. The intension is to create dwelings for handicap people with level acces and facilities accessible for them. Designed to fit with the surroundings in harmony.
    4th semester VIA university College

  • Award Innovation Days: VIA Campus proposal ”Innovation Days”

    Oct 2013 – VIA-DK
    3rd Semester VIA university College

  • Award Water House Design proposal ”Innovation Days”

    Apr 2013 – VIA-DK
    2nd Semester VIA university College

  • Diploma- Environmental Design at National Olympiad of visual arts, Architecture and Art History

    Apr 2012 – Ministry of education & research
    The theme of the competition, at the Olympics of Visual Arts, Architecture and Art History, is based on the contents and skills developed by the disciplines of the Differentiated Curriculum specific to the artistic vocational education of visual arts, architecture and art history, applied to research topics launched by the Central Commissions.
    The Olympics of Visual Arts, Architecture and Art History take place in two stages: city stage and the national stage. Only the winning people of the city stage qualify for the national stage.

  • Diploma AWARD in Mathematics

    2012 – Ministry of education & research
    National competition in mathematics.

  • Diploma Art, Architecture” AWARD

    Aug 2011 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • I PRIZE ”A.T.C.”

    Aug 2011 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • I PRIZE ”Graphic Art”

    Aug 2011 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • II PRIZE ” Mozaic”

    Aug 2011 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • I PRIZE Architecture & Photography-international award

    Jun 2011 – Union of Plastic Artist from Romania, Iasi, Ministry of education-research, House of Teaching staff, EUROPEAN Studies Centre Iasi ” Al. I. Cuza” University
    ”Architecture/Plastic arts & Photographic art” contest within ”ART AND TRADITION IN EUROPE”- INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM II EDITION.

  • Diploma AWARD

    May 2011 – Olimpic Circle
    For the support offered to ” Maricica Puica” Olympic Circle – organization of the charitable show for children ”Ion Hoban” School Group

  • Diploma of honour – international exhibition of visual arts

    Apr 2011 –Union of Plastic Artist from Romania, Iasi, World Trade Center Galleries, Inspectorate
    ”Scientific paper” for the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF VISUAL ARTS- Organized within A.R.T.E SYMPOSIUM, 2011, I edition.

  • Merit Diploma

    Apr 2011 – Ministry of education & research
    Within Comenius European Project”Traditions & Crafts, Past & Present”

  • I PRIZE – National contest of visual arts

    Mar 2011 – Order of Architects from Romania
    ”MEDIEVAL IN CONTEMPORARY ”- A song rediscovered by architecture, section: Architecture/Photography
    IV edition

  • Diploma ”Promotion” AWARD

    2011 – National College of Art ”O.Bancila” Iasi
    A special prize is awarded for the promotion of the school image

  • Diploma” Art, Architecture” AWARD

    Aug 2010 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • I SPECIAL PRIZE for Artist Trading Cards

    Aug 2010 – Ministry of education & research


  • I PRIZE ”Painting” at Poster, Graphic Arts & Caricature contest

    Apr 2010 – National Forest Administration
    within the action ” Forest Moon”

  • I PRIZE ”Poster” at Poster, Graphic Arts & Caricature contest

    Apr 2010 – National Forest Administration
    within the action ” Forest moon”

  • I PRIZE Photography at Poster, Graphic Arts & Caricature contest

    Apr 2010 – National Forest Administration
    within the action ”Forest moon”

  • Diploma ”Art, Architecture” AWARD

    Jul 2009 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • III PRIZE ”A.T.C” award

    Jul 2009 – Ministry of education & research
    Issued for special artistic activity within ” George Apostu” National Art Camp

  • Diploma – Visual Arts, Architecture & Design

    Mar 2009 – Ministry of education & research


  • II PRIZE ” Architecture & Design” AWARD at National Olympiad of visual arts, Architecture and Design

    Mar 2009 – Ministry of education & research


  • TESTIMONIUM-Founding Member of the artistic group A.T.C. ALFA CLUB (Artist Trading Cards Group)

    Nov 2008 – Union of plastic artist from Romania, National agency of camps.
    Iasi, Bacau, Chisinau
    Union of plastic artist from Romania, National agency of camps.
    Artist trading cards (ATCs) is a conceptual art project initiated by the Swiss artist M. Vänçi Stirnemann in 1997.
    Artist trading cards are 2 1⁄2 by 3 1⁄2 inches (64 mm × 89 mm) in size, the same format as modern trading cards .
    They are self-made unique works or small series, signed and dated on the reverse by the artist/producer, exchanged and collected by the people who participate in the collaborative performance.

  • I PRIZE ”Mathematics” AWARD

    Feb 2008 – Ministry of education & research
    National competition in Mathematics.

many diplomas toghether

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